The Dangers Of Artificial Intelligence

5 min readDec 30, 2018

Discrimination, Loss of Jobs, & Loss of Control

Discrimination (Sex & Race)

Discrimination by Artificial Intelligence (A.I) computer algorithms can and have occurred. There was the voice recognition software that struggled to understand women, the algorithm that was used for crime prediction that targeted black neighborhoods (aka a predictive policing system), Googles image recognizing algorithm that labeled African Americans as Gorillas, and Amazons A.I. hiring tool that discriminated against women.

An algorithm will learn only from the data that the programmer provides it, if you provide it with resumes where mostly men get accepted to a company, and very few women get accepted, then the algorithm will also show this skewness from the data, the algorithm will more than likely accept most resumes from men as acceptable candidates for the company position and discriminate against the women.

Google Images mislabeling images of black people as Gorillas

